Pilates Etiquette 101: How to Make the Most of Your Reformer Classes

Pilates Etiquette 101: How to Make the Most of Your Reformer Classes

Stepping into a Pilates Reformer class can feel a bit like entering a finely tuned orchestra. Every participant plays their part, every machine has its place, and harmony is the ultimate goal. But just like any new environment, there are unspoken rules and habits that help everything flow smoothly.

To help you navigate the do’s and don’ts of Pilates class etiquette—and maybe avoid a few awkward moments—we’ve put together this guide. From claiming your machine to leaving it spotless, here’s how to start your Reformer journey on the right foot (and with the right socks!).


  1. First impressions are everything, so be prompt 

 Like all class seating plans or work-place arrangements, there is a delicate eco-system of comfort and territory that everyone must respect. This also remains true to Pilates Reformer classes and while we may all hold space for our one machine, there is no holding that space. People tend to get cranky if you take ‘their’ Reformer, so if it’s ‘yours’ arrive early to claim it, otherwise all rights to Reformers fall back on the standard ‘first in, first served’ principle.  


  1. Attire – it's not just about looking the part  

Now that you’ve got your machine, make sure you’re prepared to use it. Clean grip socks are a must – no exceptions. Don’t rock up in your no-show low rise or your comfy bed socks (no matter how cute and fluffy), they won’t do you any good when you’re halfway through your planks and slipping off the machine. Trust us, this is for your own safety. Say it with us, grip socks, grip socks, grip socks! 

But while we’re on the subject of clothes, make sure your tights are squat proof. Those boxing-day sale tights might look amazing but when you squat the truth tends to come out in all its threadbare glory. Not all tights, but it’s always worth doing a quick squat test before walking out the door.    


  1. Let your body do the talking  

Now that we’re dressed for the part, it’s time to make peace with ourselves and our bodies before class beings.  

 Expelling gas – everyone does it, yes even the gorgeous woman at the front serving goddess good looks and a fitness level you dare to dream about. We all expel a little gas from time to time, it’s normal. So, if in class and it's your turn to experience the natural phenomenon, just apologise and have a laugh about it. We've all been there.  


  1. Be honest with your instructor  

 On the subject of bodies, let your instructor know if you’ve got a sore shoulder or a wonky knee from all those totally valid death-drop attempts. You don’t need to give a complete medical history but outline any issues that might stop you from moving a certain way. This helps the instructor better guide you through class and provide adapted exercises.  


  1. Pre-class checklist  

So you’ve got 10 minutes before class – what are we doing? This is the time to take your selfies and progress shots when you’re looking your freshest. Just make sure you’re respectful of others’ time and space whenever you’re snapping your shots.  

It can be disruptive to others and the instructors if you’re doing it during class or only moments before starting. This goes for your Insta reels and TikTok's as well – your classmates don’t want to be on your social media, so please respect their privacy and space.   


  1. Locking in  

Class is now in session and while there are six principles of Pilates (Breath, Concentration, Control, Precision, Centre and Flow) we just want you to focus on the three Cs for now.  

Concentrate: Don’t take that call on your apple watch, please. And don’t start a gossip sesh with your Reformer neighbour. If you’re talking, you’re not concentrating, and if you’re not concentrating, you’ll realise that everyone else is facing right while you’ve gone rogue and are now facing the entire class for the side-plank series.  

Control: Don’t let your carriage slam closed, control the carriage at all times. This means you’re working harder and getting more benefit from your workout.  

Centre: Connect with your core, with your body and the class, leaving everything else at the door. It’s why you’re here after-all.  


  1. A hygienic farewell  

You’ve done it. A new year and you’ve already got that Pilates class under your belt. Now make sure you’re getting into good habits and sticking with them, starting with Reformer hygiene.  

 Wipe that Reformer down properly after class and we mean properly. Every surface. 2025 is the year of clean forms and cleaner machines! 


So there you have it—your ultimate cheat-sheet to entering (or staying welcome in) the Pilates Reformer world. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a newcomer finding your footing, these tips will help you make a smooth transition into the rhythm of class while keeping your workouts effective and enjoyable. 


This article was published in Body+Soul. You can read the Body+Soul article here